Foot fungus is a skin disease that manifests itself with the active reproduction in the epidermis of certain types of fungi. Today, both the elderly with a weakened immune system and children are susceptible to this disease. Signs of a fungus on the legs depend on the type of pathogen of the infectious process and the volume of the affected foot and nail plate, and at different stages they have certain differences, indicating the progression of the infection. You need to know how to recognize a fungus on your feet, which will allow you to start treatment in a timely manner and stop its development.

disease symptoms
The main place for the development of the fungus on the legs most often becomes the area between the toes. This pathology is accompanied by the appearance of symptoms such as burning, intense itching and redness of the epidermis. In addition, a person may observe swollen and flaky skin, as well as blistering of the legs and increased dryness of the dermis.
The same symptoms of a fungus on the legs can occur on the sole of the foot, and are accompanied by excessive keratinization of the skin. The insidiousness of such a disease lies in the fact that during its course the formation of a difficult-to-treat fungus on the legs is possible, and the wounds themselves are in a state of superinfection.
How to recognize the fungus on the legs and what symptoms may indicate the beginning of the development of the disease? The first signs of the disease are the appearance of small scales, that is, various types of scaling, ranging from small pityriasis to large lamellar. There are different types of fungi that provoke the development of the disease, but they are all characterized by the same signs:

- At the initial stage of its development, the pathology proceeds without the appearance of pronounced symptoms. First of all, the interdigital folds are affected, and most often between the third and fourth fingers.
- As the fungal disease progresses, the sides of the feet are affected, gradually spreading to the ankle.
- With a fungal infection of the feet, the skin noticeably thickens, cracks and begins to shine.
- The skin becomes too dry and starts to itch a lot. Also, the epidermis becomes very red, and its affected areas become inflamed.
- Patients begin to complain of pain and burning in the feet.
- With the transition of the disease to a neglected form, blisters begin to appear on the skin. When they are opened, the affected areas of the skin become very moist and smooth.
There are several forms of foot fungus, and each of them is accompanied by the development of certain symptoms.
forms of pathology
Experts identify the following types of fungi that can affect the skin of the legs:
- interdigital;
- hyperkeratotic (moccasin);
- dyshidrotic.
The most common form of interdigital foot fungus is interdigital, which is characterized by the appearance of certain signs:
- most often the area of the fourth and fifth fingers becomes the place of localization of this form of fungus.
- as the disease progresses, the skin takes on a characteristic scaly appearance and may crack severely;
- between 3, 4 and 5 a suppurating crack or funnel forms, which is surrounded by scales of dry white or green skin.

Interdigital fungal skin lesions can be dry or moist. In the event that a moist interdigital fungus is detected, the skin looks swollen. With a dry lesion of the epidermis, its peeling and detachment are observed.
The first sign of a moccasin-like foot fungus is pain, the manifestation of which is observed in the foot. As the pathology progresses, a gradual thickening of the skin of the sole is observed, which causes the formation of cracks.
This form of fungal disease of the legs is considered the most difficult and neglected, but it is easy to recognize. A fungal disease can manifest itself in the defeat of the nail plates, in which case they acquire a characteristic thickening, are prone to crumbling, and can even fall off completely.
The vesicular form of the fungus is characterized by the formation of blisters, inside of which there is a transparent liquid. Gradually, such blisters ripen, become cloudy and open, which causes the formation of erosions of various sizes. The main location of the bubbles becomes the area closest to the toes on the sole, but it is possible for them to spread throughout the moccasin.
The vesicular form of a fungal disease is considered quite rare, but much easier to treat. This is due to the fact that the vesicles become the place of localization of the pathogen, that is, it does not penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. When a viral or fungal infection joins vesicular fungal disease, severe skin lesions are seen and treatment becomes difficult.
Specialists distinguish an erased form of the fungus on the legs, in which all the symptoms are blurred. Diagnosis of such a pathology is quite problematic, since the affected skin looks like a simple messy leg. In a patient with such a foot fungus, the symptoms are yellowing of the nails and peeling of the feet, but they are so mild that the patient does not pay attention to them.
The erased form of the fungus advances in waves, that is, in the warm season it becomes aggravated, and in winter it almost completely disappears. With any weakening of the immune system, a sharp exacerbation of the disease is observed, which creates difficulties in the treatment of foot fungus.
How to recognize onychomycosis?
The signs of nail fungus can vary significantly at different stages, indicating the progression of the infection. How does toenail fungus start and what signs should I look out for?

- In the first stage, there are no characteristic symptoms of the lesion, and barely noticeable streaks and spots appear on the nail. In the event that you ignore the first signs of the disease and the fungus begins, pus may accumulate in the area of \u200b\u200bthe periungual plates. The result of such a pathological process is gangrene or amputation of the lower extremities.
- With the second degree of fungal disease, the natural shine of the nails disappears. Gradually, the nail changes color, and white and brown stripes form. Deformation of the upper part of the nail and its lateral sections is possible. The advanced stage of bacterial nail damage is characterized by increased brittleness, delamination, and inflammation of the cuticle. The pathology continues its progression and spreads to other nails and feet.
- In the third stage of onychomycosis, the nail turns dirty yellow or brown. Also, it becomes too loose, thick and lags behind the nail bed. Often, when wearing shoes, severe pain begins, and itchy skin becomes simply unbearable.
There are several types of fungal infections of the toenails, each of which causes the appearance of certain symptoms.
- Hypertrophic onychomycosis is accompanied by thickening of the nail and its yellow staining. The nail crumbles well, and a thickened epidermis is visible under it.
- Atrophic onychomycosis causes nail thinning and destruction, and keratinized skin is seen under it.
- Onychomycosis, when affected by moldy fungi, often does not develop as an independent disease, but against the background of other pathologies.
The nail can be tinted yellow, brown, green or black. A complication often develops in the form of inflammation of the periungual bed with the release of pus.
Prevention of pathology

With the normal functioning of the immune system, it is unlikely that nail fungus will start to develop after infection, since the body can cope with it on its own. In the event that a fungal infection still affects the feet and nails, it is necessary to undergo effective treatment. The earlier the fight against such a pathology begins, the greater the chances that the patient will make a full recovery.
Fighting foot fungus is considered a rather laborious process, so it is easier to prevent the development of the disease. To do this, the following preventive measures must be observed:
- keep feet dry;
- don't wear other people's shoes;
- choose socks that are made of cotton fabric;
- Don't run barefoot on the beach.
When the first signs of a fungus appear on the legs, you need to contact a specialist. It is important to identify the pathology from the very beginning of its development and prevent further progression, which will help avoid many complications. To understand how to determine the fungus on the legs, you need to consult a dermatologist.